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Pets and Animals

Pet Licences

The Town of Carstairs animal tags are PERMANENT. This means that once you pick up an animal tag for your cat or dog the license is valid for the life of the pet. These tags are non-transferable. 

  1. The tag must be placed on the animals collar and it must be worn by your pet at all times.
  2. This tag will belong to the pet it is assigned to for the life of the pet.
  3. It is the responsibility of the pet owner to advise the Town of Carstairs of any changes such as updated phone number, address, status of the pet, etc.
  4. The replacement of an animal tag will be $10.00 and can be purchased at the Town Office.
  5. All pets that are over the age of three (3) months need to be licensed as per the Town of Carstairs Bylaws.

Permanent Tag - FREE
Replacement Tag - $10.00

Each new permanent tag will require an animal license application. You will find the link below, fill it out, print the form and return it to the Town Office. Applications are available at the Town Office as well. For more information contact the Town Office at 403.337.3341.

Animal License Application

Dog Stations

Dog Stations are located throughout the Town and provide plastic bags and garbage cans. Please remember to clean up after your pets! Failure to pick up after your pet could result in a fine. 

Dog Station Locations

Leash Requirements

Within the Town of Carstairs, all animals, including dogs and cats, must be kept on a leash or similar device when not on their property or at the off-leash dog park. Any animal that is not on a leash is considered at large and could be impounded.

Dog Park - Off-Leash Dog Area

The Town of Carstairs has one off-leash dog park for dog owners and their dogs to enjoy. The off-leash dog park is located adjacent to the rodeo grounds. Parking is accessible off 10th Ave. Dog Park hours are from dawn to dusk.

Pet owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets. Please ensure that pets are in control at all times - on or off a leash.


To learn more about your responsibility as a pet owner within the Town of Carstairs, please look at the town's Bylaws.